Top New Year’s Resolution for the Senior in Your Life 2020

Top Resolutions for Seniors in 2020

Once you get to a certain age New Year’s Resolutions just seem silly. However, I would challenge you that once you get older resolutions should really have more meaning. I mean, once you are “old enough to know” you should be able to resolve with the best of them right? A good resolution should help make life easier, healthier and more fulfilling. What senior doesn’t need that. So I propose to all of you seniors out there to get your resolve on with the rest of these young ones.

Now that I have thrown down this challenge what should you resolve to do? I mean, losing weight may have been a resolution you have given up long ago. However, you only have one life, one body and why not just start eating healthy now? Eating healthy is not just so you look good but feel good as well.

  1. Resolve to eat healthy. To use food as fuel. To learn what your body needs and needs to avoid. To educate yourself on what you need to avoid. To better understand the health of eating rather then the comfort of it.
  2. Resolve to drink enough fluids. As we age not getting enough fluids can cause issues that affect your overall health. Keeping up on hydration not only helps prevent infections but keeps our cells younger and healthier.
  3. Resolve to smile more. Research has shown that a smile affects your mental health and those around you in a positive manner. Your resolution helps others while helping you. The world just needs more happy people. Resolve to be one of them. Your mood will improve even when a smile or laugh isn’t genuine. Fake it until you make it is genuine in this case.
  4. Resolve to spend time with someone less fortunate than you. Let’s face it people need people. By resolving to spend time with someone less fortunate you are benefiting yourself and someone else. Loneliness is a thing. This happens more and more as we age and our world gets smaller and smaller. Resolving to find someone to spend time with you are focusing on others.

No matter your age these resolutions would benefit.

Lisa Doyle is a Registered Nurse who has worked in geriatrics most of her career. She works as a care manager and placement navigator in Washington state. Helping families navigate the world of long term care. She provides support and family mediation when a family is unsure what to do next. She founded CayCare in 2005. Lisa has worked with traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and dementia. She has worked closely with clients who have Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes and Parkinson’s as well. To learn more about what Lisa and CayCare does go to

There are also specialty courses available online for planning ahead before seeing an elder law attorney. She also teaches facilities how to best work with seniors and their families. To purchase one of her courses go to